Tag: vaccine
Covid-19 vaccine: should it be done in the first trimester of pregnancy?
News Posted on 07/26/2021 3 min read in collaboration with Olivier Picone (President of the Research Group on Infections During Pregnancy, member of the National College of French Gynecologists and…
Promising development about HIV vaccine! Effected on monkeys, human trials will begin in 5 years
There has been a new development in vaccine studies for the HIV virus, which has no definitive treatment yet and causes deaths from AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) in advanced…
EU: BioNTech-Pfizer needs to adapt its vaccine against variants in 100 days
Answering the question about the Omikron variant, which was first detected in South Africa, at the press conference held during his visit to Latvia, von der Leyen said that the…
Should a Vaccination Card Be Required to Enter Venues?
In Los Angeles, California, customers must show proof of their Covid-19 vaccination to enter bars, nightclubs, and similar venues. VOA asked Los Angeles residents how they evaluated the decision. There…
Covid-19: Delta variant drops vaccine effectiveness to 40%
Europe is once again experiencing an epidemic outbreak of Covid-19 which is on the rise again. The other side of the coin is vaccination campaigns which suggest that vaccines protect…
5 questions about the third dose of Covid-19 vaccine
To fight against the 5e wave of the Covid-19 epidemic, the Government is not betting on confinement or a curfew but on strengthening the health pass. Soon this will be…
Gone to be Sinovac, BioNTech vaccine done! Observed
Semiha Işık, yesterday, wanted to go to a community health center and get the ‘Sinovac’ vaccine. Allegedly, the nurse applied and sent the vaccine to Işık. When the vaccinations were…
Covid-19: 3rd dose of vaccine, “logistical aspects should not be a brake”
To face the 5th wave that is raging in France and ” save the holiday season “, The government is betting on accelerating the booster dose. The Minister of Health…