More and more cases of flu, many elderly people are affected
In some hospitals, the special elderly wards are full, says Esther Cornegé-Blokland, chair of the Dutch Association for Clinical Geriatrics (NVKG). In the Utrecht Diakonessenhuis, for example, the largest elderly…
Moldy work of art made of half a million cigarette butts in the City Hall
It’s impossible to miss: as soon as you enter the lobby of the City Office, you will see long ‘tree trunks’ surrounded by a low wooden fence. “It feels surreal,”…
Dijksma: it is necessary for agents to go to The Hague for the NATO summit
Saying no was not an option, says Dijksma about relinquishing agents from the region for the summit in The Hague in June. She did sit at the minister’s table for…
Staten Utrecht concerned about high costs for renovation of provincial government building
Utrecht – Parliamentary factions are concerned about the costs of renovating and making the provincial government building more sustainable. According to the scenario that the Provincial Executive has in mind,…
Artwork in Utrecht against butt problem: ‘We really want change’
It’s impossible to miss: as soon as you enter the lobby of the City Office, you will see long ‘tree trunks’ surrounded by a low wooden fence. “It feels surreal,”…
Owner-occupied homes in the province of Utrecht were more than 11 percent more expensive last year
Statistics Netherlands also examined the price figures in the four largest municipalities. The municipality of Utrecht is at the top of the list with a price increase of 15.2 percent.…
Utrecht is looking for replacement shared cargo bikes, but that seems to take a while
Bekkius is somewhat surprised that there is no new supplier yet. “The demand from Utrecht is there, we know that from research. I also used it sometimes, such as when…
This way you can see six planets in a row: ‘A little moment of happiness’
“Of the six planets that are visible, four can be seen with the naked eye. These are Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars. From the moment it is dark, about an…
Utrecht mayoral posts are in demand, with many applications for vacancies
Last year, the Ministry of the Interior started an investigation into why it is so difficult for some municipalities to find a mayor. The number of applicants has been declining…
Woman remains in custody longer after suspicious situation at police station
The woman walked into the police station in the city center of Utrecht on Friday at 1.55 pm and shouted ‘certain things’. The police do not want to repeat what…