Province of Utrecht backs down on appeal, fox hunting remains banned for the time being
On February 16 of this year, the court ruled in the case brought against the province by animal rights organizations Animal Rights and Fauna4Life. He had issued an exemption so…
OM demands 2.5 years in prison in appeal against man who killed a runner on Utrecht Spinozaweg
The now 27-year-old suspect is said to have killed runner Tim (30) on a zebra crossing on Spinozaweg in April 2020. The victim was running with his mother when he…
Alderman Lot van Hooijdonk sent business emails with private address, city council wants clarification
But GroenLinks, VVD, Volt and PVV want more text and explanation. They say they are surprised that the report was not picked up earlier. “In the context of information security…
Fungal flat in Overvecht still tour, municipality expects renovation to start soon
The solution is renovation of the property. That was supposed to happen in 2022, but Volt councilor Charlotte Passier fears it will be later: “Not until late 2023 or early…
High living costs in the province: Utrecht 725 euros and Amersfoort 740 euros
Utrecht is therefore one of the provinces where people pay the most for housing costs, such as rent or mortgage, insurance, municipal fees, gas, water and electricity and maintenance costs.…
Utrecht University advises international student: ‘No room? Do not come’
The advice to stop international students without a room now is contrary to the core values of the university. “We do this with a heavy heart, because international talent is…
Pee stomping or mud racing: it’s Outdoor Play Day and rain won’t stop a fanatical child
Utrecht/Province of Utrecht – An old-fashioned game of gunpowder, curbs, tag or marbles? Today is National Outdoor Play Day and the Jantje Beton Foundation hopes that all children will turn…
Province debates budget: ‘There are limits to growth’
JA21, the second largest opposition party, approached growth from a different perspective. Party chairman Wouter Weijers prefers not to see the expected population growth in the coming years as an…
Utrecht lowers costs for catering entrepreneurs and the event industry
Alderman Klaas Verschuure (Economic Affairs): “Entrepreneurs in the catering, culture and events industry have been hit hard by the corona measures. For example, many catering entrepreneurs have lost their staff.…
Hamed wants an Islamic cemetery in Utrecht: ‘Inshallah, this is my place’
Utrecht – More and more Muslims no longer allow themselves to be buried in their country of origin, but choose to be buried in the Netherlands. Therefore, there is an…