Crowds on highways in the province of Utrecht due to farmer’s protest with tractors: ‘Avoid the A1’
It is also busy on the highways in the province of Utrecht this morning because of the farmers’ protest. Tractors drive to Stroe in Gelderland for a demonstration against the…
Pickpockets strike again after ‘calm’ corona years
Compared to last year, the number of pickpocketing cases has increased in all provinces. In the province of Utrecht, there are 269 cases in the period from January to May…
Province wants help from central government in energy transition: ‘Joint efforts by ministries very much needed’
The province wants government help in making homes more sustainable on a large scale. Pilots have been started and have been successful in a number of municipalities, including Amersfoort and…
This is what a working day of court artist Nicole van den Hout looks like
Utrecht – The door of the courtroom on the fourth floor of the court swings open around noon, it is intermission. The case against a man from Bunschoten, who is…
Many rail delays during the holiday period: conscious choice to make ‘suffering’ coincide in a short period
Some of the delays are due to regular maintenance on the track, due to wear and tear. But there are also a lot of other activities, says Coen van Kranenburg…
More and more corona patients in Utrecht hospitals: ‘Possible start of major wave’
Spokesperson Joris Prinssen of the UMC Utrecht says that it is still quite busy in the hospitals. He sees the number of corona infections increasing, including among his own staff.…
Rotten tooth in Utrecht Vondellaan tackled
The former Scheer & Foppen building on the corner of Croeselaan and Vondellaan in Utrecht is finally being renovated. The preparatory work will start this week and the major work…
FC Utrecht adds Rankovic, Scheepers and Wapenaar to technical staff
This means that in addition to Rick Kruys, who is leaving for VVV Venlo, Michel Vorm, Michael Silberbauer, Stefan Postma and Sander Keller will also have a position elsewhere next…
Utrecht youngsters present climate song: ‘Hopefully we will get people to do something with this’
Utrecht – After months of brainstorming, writing and making music, the time has finally come: eight young people from Utrecht presented their own climate song ‘Biodivercity’ this morning. They did…
The acceptance of the MBO student continues: also welcome at the UIT
New MBO students are also welcome at the Utrecht Introduction Time (UIT) this summer. Initially, the participation is a trial with space for two hundred MBO students. Alderman Dennis de…