Tag: Unions
the intersyndicale and the left parties stay the course
While France is suspended from the decision that the Constitutional Council will make on pension reform, the left-wing parties are mobilizing to keep the file in the headlines. “ We…
Sophie Binet elected head of the CGT
So far responsible for the executives’ union, Sophie Binet was elected Friday general secretary of the CGT to replace Philippe Martinez at the 53rd confederal congress of the central trade…
Borne and the unions: talking about pensions without talking about 64-year-olds? What’s happening behind the scenes
But why is the executive proposing a meeting with the trade unions at the start of next week if it refuses to discuss pensions? And why do the unions agree…
Cyrielle Chatelain: to move forward, you need a gesture, “at least the break or the withdrawal of the reform”
/ Podcasts / morning guest Cyrielle Chatelain, deputy, president of the Ecologist group – NUPES in the National Assembly, is this Wednesday, March 29 the guest of the morning of…
In the spotlight: where is the exit?
The formula speaks for itself… It is reported by The Parisian : “ Gamberging on how Emmanuel Macron could manage to get out of the crisis in which his pension…
Pensions: unions invited to Matignon, new mobilization on April 6
Dialogue, finally? The unions who are determined to talk about pensions are expected at the beginning of next week at Matignon, an appointment with the executive, which has not been…
for the 10th day, the mobilization against the pension reform is marking time
In France, tens of thousands of people are again in the street this Tuesday, March 28 for the 10th day of mobilization against the pension reform. A day marked by…
appeasement, a very difficult quest for the executive and the unions
While the 10th day of mobilization against the pension reform takes place this Tuesday, March 28, the executive advocates calm. Emmanuel Macron claims to reach out to the unions. Laurent…
Annie Genevard: “Emmanuel Macron must find a way to appease the country”
/ Podcasts / morning guest Annie Genevard, secretary general of the Republicans and deputy of Doubs, is this Tuesday, March 28 the guest of the morning of RFI. New demonstrations…
School, qualifications to teach obtained abroad, after opening a new war between precarious workers promoted by trade unions
(Finance) – A ” got upfuss“, with related controversies, for the decision taken by the Ministry of Education and Merit to allow qualified or specialized teachers outside Italy to stipulate…