Tag: Ukraine
The crisis in Ukraine, these voting machines coveted by Trump, the return of the Daesh threat
GERMANY Pedophilia: the inaction of Benedict XVI It is a shocking report, made public on January 20 and which risks permanently tarnishing the reputation of Pope Benedict XVI. While he…
the crisis in Ukraine begins to affect the Russian ruble
The noise of boots at the borders of Ukraine is beginning to seriously worry finance. This atmosphere is also reflected in the course of the Russian national currency. Stable until…
Ukraine Alert From UK To Russia – World News
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced that he thinks a possible invasion of Ukraine by Russia will create a new Chechnya. Johnson said he knew the Ukrainian people well and…
NATO takes stock of its measures in the East, the EU delays
The situation in Ukraine is at the center of concerns in Brussels. On the one hand to NATO, which is strengthening in the East and consulting the United Kingdom, on…
Washington dramatizes, the Europeans moderate the tone, Paris proposes a meeting
EU foreign ministers met on Monday 24 January in Brussels, with in-depth discussions on the Sahel on the agenda. But it is above all the situation in Ukraine which monopolized…
Last minute! Ukraine move from the USA! Thousands of soldiers were alerted
Breaking news! The United States has mobilized 8,500 soldiers to provide support in the event of the activation of the NATO Response Force against unexpected situations in the Ukraine crisis.…
Widespread sales in Europe, with Fed and Ukraine tensions
(Finance) – Negative day for Piazza Affari, which closed the trading down, together with the other Eurolistini. In the meantime, the American market is showing a sharp decline in trading,…
Judicial systems under influence
We talk about justice, and especially the independence of justice in Accents d’Europe today. The case is at the heart of the dispute between Warsaw and Brussels… but the bringing…
Russia, conflict can reduce gas flows to the EU for an indefinite period
(Finance) – “There is a risk that any escalation may entail sanctions on the Russian Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which they would potentially end up with reduce flows to Europe…