Tag: Ukraine
General Thierry Burkhard: “France and NATO are ready to face any aggression”
His word is rare. This is the first time he has spoken in a long interview since taking office in the summer of 2021. General Thierry Burkhard is the exceptional…
Ukraine, Franco: exclusion of Russia from the Swift system would create a “problem” for gas supplies
(Finance) – The Minister of Economy, Daniele Francoexplained the consequences of a possible exclusion of Russia from the payment system Swift on the possibility of paying the gas supplies destined…
Martyrs of Serpents’ Island, “ghost of Kiev”… Ukraine in search of heroes
They were thirteen. Thirteen Ukrainian soldiers, engaged as coastguards on the tiny Serpents’ Island, in the Black Sea, near the Romanian coast. The attack launched by Vladimir Putin on Thursday…
What is an oligarch? What does it mean? Who are the Russian oligarchs?
What is an oligarch? The answer to the question began to be investigated by the citizens after the United States President Joe Biden and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced…
Avio, Vega operations not impacted by events in Ukraine
(Finance) – Avio has communicated that at the time there are no impacts on the continuity of Vega’s operations by the ongoing events in Ukraine. Vega is the European rocket…
Ukraine: stay in power or see its government “decapitated”, what fate for Zelensky?
He is a head of state who tries somehow to face Russia. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced on Friday the general military mobilization to counter the Russian invasion of the…
“We will face”: these French expatriates who have decided to stay in Ukraine
They won’t leave. In the aftermath of the outbreak of the Russian offensive in Ukraine, some French people living in the territory say they are ready to stay there –…
Support in province for Ukraine, Wijk bij Duurstede wants to receive refugees
In the meantime, Kerk in Actie has already taken steps. The Christian organization has already donated money to local churches to provide support. “We try to accommodate people who flee…
Last minute: Zelenskiy denied those allegations! “We are defending our country”
Last minute… President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelenskiy shared a video with state officials in front of the presidency and said, “We are all here, we are protecting our independence and…
Sanctions: what consequences for French companies in Russia?
The European Union has decided on new economic sanctions against Russia, in response to the invasion of Ukraine. Can these sanctions affect the approximately 700 subsidiaries of French companies present…