Tag: u0130ran
Common Maritime Exercise from China, Iran and Russia
Chinese, Iranian And Russia The navy, in the middle of this month ‘Security Belt 2025’ will perform a joint exercise. The exercise to be held near the Port of Çalışahar…
China, Iran and Russia will organize a common marine exercise
Chinese, Iranian And Russia The navy, in the middle of this month ‘Security Belt 2025’ will perform a joint exercise. The exercise to be held near the Port of Çalışahar…
Last minute | ‘Nuclear’ Rest from Donald Trump! He explained the letter he sent to Khamenei: “It would be very unpleasant for Iran”
Breaking News: US President Donald Trump, Iranian with nuclear weapon He said he wanted to make a program agreement and said that they hoped that they would negotiate by sending…
Mediation claims! Description from Russia: ‘We are ready’
Kremlin spokesman Dmitriy Peskov, in a statement to journalists in the capital Moscow, made evaluations on some issues on the agenda. “We should focus on the explanations” USA‘ Russia“We should…
5.1 magnitude earthquake in Iran – World News
According to a statement from the Tehran University seismology center, the central base of the province of Sistan-Beluçistan is the city of Iranhr 5.1 magnitude. earthquakeSaved at 09.55 local time.…
Iran Vice President Zarif resigned!
Iranian According to the official news agency IRNA, responsible for strategic affairs President Deputy Zarif presented the letter of resignation to President Mesud Pazeskiyan. He hasn’t answered yet! Pezşkiyan said…
Economy Minister Himmeti was dismissed in Iran: He was criticized for being inadequate in the face of the crisis
Iranian In the open session held in the Assembly today, the Secretary of Economy Abdunnasır, who was criticized for being inadequate in the face of the economic crisis, was discussed.…
‘Turkish’ crisis in Iran! President Pezşkiyan was surprised at what he had suffered: “There is no problem reading two Turkish poems”
Iranian President Pezşkiyan, at the closing ceremony of Tabriz Cultural Week, known as the name of the famous Turkish poet Muhammad Hussein Behçet Tabrizi’nin Azerbaijan Turkish “Haydar Baba” poem read…
5.4 magnitude earthquake in Iran – World News
Iranian According to the data of the National Seismology Center, the central base is 5.4 magnitude. earthquakeSaved at 22.25 local time. Damage information was not reported In a statement made…
5.4 magnitude earthquake occurred in Iran! Teams sent to the region
Iranian5.4 in the city of Indimeşk, a state of Huzistan, earthquake It happened. According to the data of the Iranian National Seismology Center, the 5.4 -magnitude earthquake, which is an…