Pro in Counter-Strike 2 looks like a bad winner on Twitch
In Counter-Strike 2, the biggest game on Steam, there was a bizarre situation. The Israeli professional player Shach “Flamez” Shushan was shown on Twitch, as he apparently provocatively raised the…
MMORPG streamer of the year has been playing WoW since 2008, loses duel for Twitch guild against Noob, who has only been playing for 2 months
Chance “Sodapoppin” Morris (30) won the MMORPG streamer of the year award in 2024 and has been playing World of Warcraft for at least 17 years. But in a duel…
An insignificant regional league makes LoL 2025 the No. 1 game on Twitch
2025 has so far been the year of League of Legends in e-sports. With a rule change, Riot Games has shifted the balance of power in LoL. The world of…
20 years ago he became the best player in Warcraft 3 at 18, today he’s bigger than ever thanks to WoW on Twitch
The Dutch e-athlete and Twitch streamer Manuel “Grubby” Schenkhuizen (38) has had a wild career and it is closely linked to Blizzard’s games. More than 20 years ago he was…
20-year-old Twitch streamer says he single-handedly saved Fortnite, but gets no respect for it
Twitch streamer Cody “Clix” Conroy (20) is annoyed by the lack of respect. He single-handedly saved the online shooter Fortnite and its e-sports scene. Because the game was “totally dead”…
Ex-Blizzard developer calls his kick from the Twitch guild stupid, explains what’s next for WoW HC
Jason “Thor Hall” is on YouTube and Twitch as “Pirate Software”. The 37-year-old used to work for Blizzard. After his much-discussed expulsion from the “OnlyFangs” guild on a hardcore WoW…
She has to “beg” people to play with her on Twitch
For Twitch streamer Kalei Renay, being a member of the cool FaZe Clan was a dream. But in 2024 the dream burst. Now the 25-year-old explains what consequences the expulsion…
The new cool team from LoL has 180,000 viewers on Twitch and is overtaking German streamers
In League of Legends we have a wild year ahead of us in 2025: teams made up of streamers, ex-professionals and content creators are now competing in the regional leagues.…
Streamer abandons his group in WoW Hardcore and is kicked out of the cool Twitch guild – that’s his statement
In the hardcore mode of WoW Classic there is currently a big drama surrounding the streamer guild OnlyFangs and the content creator Jason Thor “PirateSoftware” Hall. After an unpleasant situation…
Robert Habeck has twice as many viewers on Twitch tonight as anyone else
On January 14, 2025, the German Economics Minister and Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck (55, The Greens) has twice as many viewers as the second-placed German streamers NoWay (LoL) and Trymacs…