Tag: turn
If you don’t take precautions, it can turn into eczema! If your skin is flaking…
Do you have flaking and dandruff on your skin? Does your skin feel tight after a bath or swimming? Are these complaints accompanied by occasional itching? Is your skin starting…
Premium of 100 euros: whose turn? What conditions?
BONUS 100 EUROS. In total, 38 million French people have benefited from the bonus of 100 euros since mid-December. This Thursday, it is now the turn of the self-employed. Summary…
it blazes and it’s unprecedented, towards another turn of the screw?
COVID. The 6th wave of the coronavirus epidemic seems to have already started in France, while the 5th is not really completed. Covid-19 is spreading at lightning speed in the…
How can a virus turn a cell into cancer?
Some viruses can turn the cells they infect into cancer. A new study on HTLV-1, which causes leukemia, tells us more about the mechanisms involved. You will also be interested…