Tag: turbines
Utrecht voter divided about wind turbines: ‘I am for green energy, but at sea’
If Guido van Loenen has completed the Kieskompas, he will undoubtedly have chosen ‘once’. De Utrechter is chairman of Rijne Energie, a club that is trying to realize the arrival…
Wind turbines: “We are facing a vast company of disinformation”
He defines himself as an “anti-Jancovici”. Cédric Philibert, associate researcher at the French Institute for International Relations (Ifri), defends the place of renewable energies in our energy mix. His last…
The province will continue to take over management from the municipalities, research into possible locations for wind turbines
The series of studies that the province is now starting focus on, among other things, the effect of wind turbines in terms of noise, health and nature. The province is…
Wind turbines: the new Danish model
Impossible to miss it. It stands at the end of a 5 kilometer long open track in the Osterild test center in northern Denmark. Its height is dizzying: 275 meters.…
Amersfoort positive about the construction of wind turbines at De Isselt business park
Amersfoort – The proposed construction of two wind turbines on the Amersfoort industrial estate De Isselt complies with all regulations. According to the municipality, there are no obstacles in terms…
Wind turbines: what lessons can be drawn from the bad German figures?
This is grain to grind for the detractors of theenergywende. Using databases on weather conditions, the Swiss newspaper Neue Zuricher Zeitung was able to estimate the “load factor” of 18,000…
In the Somme department, wind turbines are no longer on the rise
Faced with global warming, renewable energies are emerging as one of the essential solutions. They will be widely discussed at COP 26, from November 1 to 13, 2021, in Scotland.…
After the accident in Viksjö – some wind turbines have been started up
It was on July 16 that a wind turbine in the park broke in half and collapsed, just a few weeks after the inauguration. The entire park then stood still…
After the accidents in wind turbines: “It’s not the same margins as when it comes to airplanes”
In the past year, there have been four accidents in wind turbines. The last two in just one week. But according to expert Anders Wickström, it could be coincidence. –…
Canada returns turbines to Nord Stream 1
The Ottawa government decided on Saturday to send back the German turbines needed to maintain flow in the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline. The turbines are currently being maintained in…