Tag: Truffaut
The wave of hacking that is hitting French organizations continues to wreak havoc! After Boulanger, Cultura and Truffaut, it is now the turn of the Retirement Insurance to be affected, with the theft of data from 370,000 beneficiaries.
The wave of hacking that is hitting French organizations continues to wreak havoc! After Boulanger, Cultura and Truffaut, it is now the turn of the Retirement Insurance to be affected,…
France: the François Truffaut high school in Beauvais does not want school uniforms
The uniform in public schools, colleges and high schools is a measure desired by President Macron, in particular to fight against harassment and social inequalities. An experiment has been announced.…
Truffaut & Scott, David James Poissant and Fanny Wallendorf: books not to be missed
“My little Truffle, my big Scottie”. Correspondence 1960-1965 By Francois Truffaut and Helen Scott. Denoel, 464 p., €24. The rating of L’Express: 4/5 “MY LITTLE TRUFFLE, MY BIG SCOTTIE”. CORRESPONDENCE…