Tag: truckers
“Anger is rising”: farmers and truckers face the rise in fuel thefts
“Frankly, with that in addition, it only gives me one desire: to put the key under the door”, sighs Vincent Normand, dairy farmer from Haute-Vienne. “That” is a theft of…
Canadian Police Respond to Anti-Vaccine Truckers
In Canada, the police have been interfering with the drivers who have been in action with their trucks near the parliament to protest the Corona virus measures for about 3…
Canada, towards a first agreement with truckers
In Canada, the Ambassador Bridge, which connects the country to the United States, has reopened after seven days of blockage. It took two days for the Canadian police to evacuate…
“Freedom convoy”: Ottawa truckers, these yellow vests who paralyze Canada
Can’t get them to move. Neither with the hundreds of fines nor by the collective action currently launched by a handful of inhabitants against the heavy horns which resound in…
Truckers blocked at the border between Mali and Côte d’Ivoire
Since January 9, the borders of Mali have been closed. ECOWAS has sanctioned the Malian junta by imposing a blockade on the country. If basic necessities can enter Mali, nothing…
Nicholls slams vaccine mandate for cross-border truckers
Content article Chatham-Kent-Leamington’s independent MPP is calling on senior levels of government to back down from an upcoming vaccine mandate for cross-border truckers. Content article Rick Nicholls, who was ousted…