Tag: triggers
“Casual Dad” achieved in Diablo 4 what only 0.1 % of the players have ever achieved on PS5 triggers discussion about casuals
In Diablo 4, the grind does not end with the maximum level – after that it continues up to paragon level 300. According to the Trophy, only 0.1 % of…
Disturbing horror surprise that triggers absolute goosebumps with one detail
Independent filmmakers romp in hardly any genre: inside as wonderful as in horror. They take all the freedom to create a unique and as scary experience. What is sometimes forgotten…
Pay attention to pollen allergy in spring! Triggers respiratory diseases
With the warming of the weather in nature pollen While the amount increases, allergic diseases begin to manifest themselves. Complaints such as sneezing, nasal discharge and shortness of breath, which…
Players reveals which feature he spoils 70 % of all games, a avalanche triggers symptoms of symptoms
Do you know that when there is a certain thing that you can directly spoil the fun when you meet them? Several players meet and exchange ideas about what disturbs…
Prime Minister Michel Barnier triggers 49.3
On Monday, December 2, French Prime Minister Michel Barnier committed the government to responsibility for the Social Security financing bill through article 49.3 of the Constitution, which allows adoption of…
It seems simple, but it destroys the brain structure! If early precautions are not taken, it triggers dementia and memory loss.
Stating that sleep disorders affect every moment of life, Prof. Dr. Vedat Göral said, “Although poor quality sleep is not understood in youth, it brings with it serious diseases in…
This research surprised everyone! While consumption of carbonated drinks triggers dangerous diseases, it is the only one that reduces them… Those who heard them could not believe it.
The study, which is part of the INTERSTROKE project, which included approximately 27 thousand participants from 27 countries, reveals the relationship between certain drinks and the likelihood of having a…
MontanaBlack says on Twitch that he always drives faster than allowed – triggers discussion about higher penalties for rich people
The German Twitch streamer Marcel “MontanaBlack” Eris sees speed limits as non-binding recommendations. In a stream he now explains that he would generally drive 70 km/h in 50 speed zones.…
This documentary that triggers the anger of kyiv – L’Express
The documentary “Russians at War,” which deals with the invasion of Ukraine from the point of view of Russian soldiers, continues to fuel controversy. The film, which was pulled from…
New gameplay for Crimson Desert inspires, but the main character triggers discussions
The new Gameplay trailer for Crimson Desert takes many players’ breath away and makes them excited. But there is one small downside: There is no character editor. Does it have…