Tag: treatment
What is Stiff Person Syndrome? What causes it? Stiff Person Syndrome symptoms and treatment
Stiff person syndrome is characterized by progressive muscle stiffness and frequent painful spasms. This disorder, which affects the central nervous system, manifests itself with neuromuscular symptoms. In the early stages…
What is vitiligo, what causes it? Does vitiligo go away? Vitiligo symptoms and treatment
Normally, the color of hair and skin is determined by the pigment called melanin. Vitiligo occurs when the cells that produce melanin lose their function or die. This condition can…
Patient sought treatment for epistaxis – sent home and died
The Inspectorate for Care and Care, Ivo, believes that a doctor at the Sahlgrenska hospital’s emergency department made a mistake when he sent home an elderly patient with heart disease…
What is hallux valgus? Can hallux valgus be corrected without surgery? Hallux valgus treatment
Hallux valgus was defined by Carl Hueter in the 1800s and is known as a foot deformity characterized by the deviation of the big toe from its normal alignment. This…
What is uveitis? Is it dangerous? Uveitis symptoms and treatment
Uveitis is a disease that develops as a result of inflammation of the layer of the eye called the “uvea”. It usually has a sudden onset and worsens rapidly. This…
What is Rhesus disease? Rhesus disease symptoms and treatment
Couples planning to get married often ask questions such as “What is Rhesus disease?”, “What are the treatment methods?” and “Which blood groups are at risk for blood incompatibility?” Although…
What is black fungus disease, how does it pass? Is black fungus disease present in Turkey? Symptoms and treatment of black fungus disease
Black fungus, which is among the very rare infections, is also known by its scientific name “mucormycosis”. This disease, which is not transmitted from person to person or animal, is…
What is meniscus and meniscus tear? Meniscus tear symptoms and treatment
During various activities of daily life, injuries and disorders of varying degrees can occur in the musculoskeletal system. In particular, some sports activities can cause damage to the joints and…
Is there a treatment for monkeypox? How is monkeypox treated?
One of the new viral diseases that has attracted attention in the world after the Covid-19 pandemic is Monkeypox Virus. This disease is an infection caused by the monkeypox virus…
Magnesium treatment: benefits, how long does it take to take effect?
Summary Magnesium is essential for the proper functioning of the body. It is involved in over 300 processes, from the normal functioning of the nervous system and muscles, to bone…