Tag: trains
No trains between Utrecht-Almere until 19.30, also adjusted timetable in other places
According to the NS, from Monday there will be fewer trains between Rotterdam, Schiphol and Arnhem due to staff shortages. The NS is not only short of drivers and conductors,…
Ukraine, first trains loaded with grain left for the Middle East
(Finance) – I first trains with Ukrainian wheat “they left Crimea for the Middle East”. This was stated by the head of the Russian administration in the Ukrainian region dealt…
Fewer trains due to staff shortage at NS
At various places in the Randstad, fewer trains are running today due to staff shortages at NS. According to the latest state of affairs, this is the case on the…
Trains have derailed outside Garmisch-Partenkirchen in Germany
– Pictures on social media show that most of the carriages are on the side of the track, says foreign affairs reporter Jona Källgren. Many of the passengers on board…
Several days left of traffic chaos – in addition, the Arlanda trains do not run
Large parts of the bus traffic, especially in the inner city, are closed until Monday due to all events. And during the weekend, the commuter trains between Solna and Häggvik…
Many trains are canceled during the Pentecost weekend
All train departures from Stockholm to Uppsala will be canceled June 4-7 due to planned track work. – It’s rubbish like stump. It is the Arlanda commuter, it is the…
Shared by Ukraine! They hide the dead Russian soldiers in cold trains
In the footage shared by the Ukrainian railway, it is seen that the bodies of the soldiers of Vladimir Putin, who was reported to have lost 30,000 soldiers, are hidden…
Stedin trains status holders in its own business school: ‘New opportunity for them, new employee for us’
Because, just like in many other sectors, the shortage of personnel is causing headaches at Stedin. That company therefore decided to take matters into its own hands and train its…
Nobody taps your beer and canceled trains: get used to it, staff shortage remains
“It’s code red everywhere,” says Rob Witjes of the UWV. As head of labor market information, he knows everything about staff shortages. The UWV has divided the Netherlands into 35…
Wearing a Covid mask: no longer compulsory in trains, TGV, metros in Paris
END MANDATORY MASK. From Monday May 16, wearing a protective mask against Covid will no longer be compulsory in transport (metro, train, etc.) as well as in public places indoors…