Tag: training
The National Assembly has adopted a law aimed at prohibiting any canvassing concerning the personal training account (CPF), which will be punishable by a fine of up to €375,000. But this measure may not solve everything…
The National Assembly has adopted a law aimed at prohibiting any canvassing concerning the personal training account (CPF), which will be punishable by a fine of up to €375,000. But…
Coronavirus alarm in Beijing, the capital of China! Face-to-face training suspended
Due to the increasing Kovid-19 cases in the capital Beijing in China, epidemic protection and prevention measures have been increased. In most of the city’s central districts, citizens are advised…
Benzema injured in training, doubt for the World Cup
/ Sports Karim Benzema, injured on Saturday from training, will undergo medical examinations in the evening to determine the nature and severity of his injury, AFP learned from a source…
4,000 bus drivers are missing when training is discontinued
Despite a shortage of bus drivers, several training courses in the country are temporarily closed. A decision that the Transport Workers’ Union is critical of as it creates canceled tours…
Geneviève Darrieussecq: “Adapted training is essential for the employment of people with disabilities”
When will there be full employment for people with disabilities in France? This concern is at the center of the 26ᵉ edition of the European Disability Employment Week. Today it’s…
Ukraine: details of the largest military training mission in EU history
While the G20 summit is currently taking place in Bali, the defense ministers of Germany and Spain announced on Tuesday (November 15th) their plans to train thousands of Ukrainian soldiers…
British Ministry of Defence: Russia to return military training to schools
According to British intelligence, the Soviet Union had a program where students had to participate in compulsory military training. Minister of Education of Russia Sergei Kravstov has announced that Russia…
“Plan two days of RTT”: at the heart of civil disobedience training for the climate
“The group is large. So I would be grateful if you would confirm your attendance.” The SMS sent a few hours earlier by one of the Last Renovation members did…
France: in Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d’Or, the training of foreign police commissioners
It is a course open to foreigners… not very well known! Every year, for 66 years, France has trained and trained 15 officers and 15 police commissioners, nearly 2,000 since…
the Air France representative defends pilot training
The airline, prosecuted for “involuntary homicides” after the death of the 228 people who were on board the AF447 which crashed in the Atlantic Ocean on June 1, 2009, chose…