Tag: Tofaş
Competition Authority did not allow Tofaş – Stellantis agreement
The Competition Authority published an official statement today and announced that the Tofaş – Stellantis agreement was not allowed. To remember, last year Koç Holding and Stellantis announced that they…
Tofaş’s acquisition of Stellantis has been extended
There was a very important development last year, Stellantis brands Tofaş was included under its umbrella. To remember, last year Koç Holding and Stellantis announced that they aimed to further…
Share transfer agreement signed between Stellantis and Tofaş
There has been a very important development in the past months, stellantis brands Tofas was included under its umbrella. As a reminder, Koç Holding and Stellantis announced that they aim…
Official statement from TOFAŞ for Fiat Egea and Doblo
Finally, official decisions from Stellantis Group have been announced for the future of Fiat Egea and Doblo, which has been curious for a while on the TOFAŞ front. Stellantis Group,…
The annual report has been published; Significant success from Tofaş front
Tofaspublished its annual report for 2021. The company continued its investments in R&D, digital transformation, mobility services and the competence development of its employees. An annual report statement for 2021…