Tag: Threat
The heat – a growing threat to our sleep
Our sleep is affected by summer in general and light and heat in particular. We get more light and it turns off the sleep hormone melatonin. The high temperatures also…
Migration drama in Morocco, Putin’s nuclear threat… Around the world news
UNITED STATES Abortion torpedoed by the Supreme Court The ruling by the nation’s highest court has sparked disbelief and anger across a broad swath of American society. On June 24,…
How useful is it to strike? ‘Sometimes the threat alone helps’
Bus drivers, security guards at Schiphol, childcare employees. The professions appear to have little in common, but they have one thing in common: they have all gone on strike in…
WHO statement: Monkey pox is not currently an international public health threat
For example, the coronavirus pandemic, the Ebola epidemic in Congo and the spread of poliovirus have been declared international public health threats. The World Health Organization says monkey pox is…
WHO: Monkey pox is not an international threat to human health
A printout from Dagens Nyheter, 2022-06-26 00:47 The original address of the article: https://www.dn.se/varlden/who-apkoppor-inget-internationellt-hot-mot-manniskors-halsa/ In recent weeks, smallpox has been found in over 50 countries. The WHO has now consulted…
Awakening: WHO considers declining monkey pox a public health threat Midsummer traffic starts
We will tell you the news and topics of the day quickly. The WHO is considering declaring monkey pox a public health threat Today, the WHO is considering declaring monkey…
Threat of death, stones and eggs – there are also Finns in the troubled camp, but it is unclear whether they want to go to Finland anymore
Power has been transferred, at least in part, from guards to guards in a camp where women and children in the Isis area of extremism are being held. 20:06 •…
New threat to Europe – Aftonbladet podcast
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Called the alarm center about a fabricated bomb threat in Norberg – woman charged with false alarm
It was in January this year that the incident occurred in a residential area in Norberg. In addition to false alarms, the woman is also charged with sabotage against blue…
Professor on the congressional storm: “Bigger threat than Watergate was”
June 17 marks 50 years since the Democratic Party’s headquarters in the United States, a burglary that led to the resignation of President Nixon almost two years later. And while…