Tag: This
Their parents’ carelessness made them this way! Brothers face to face with death
The life of a family that lights a fire in their garden for fun has changed completely. The explosion of a chemical-filled spray bottle, which was thrown unnoticed into the…
Disaster is near! This date is talked about a lot: record temperatures, forest fires and floods…
Temperature and precipitation records were broken in 2021. In the first six months of 2022, disasters such as floods and floods gave people negative moments, and they continue to do…
Attention! If you’re having nightmares at this age, chances are you’re sick.
Parkinson’s disease occurs when cells in the brain called dopamine break down. This disease progresses day by day, leading to deterioration of the patient’s vital and social activities. Although Parkinson’s…
If you have these complaints, beware! Go to the doctor now
The thyroid gland is located in the anterior part of the windpipe. The thyroid gland, which has a very important place in the functions of our body with the hormones…
Don’t make these mistakes! Affects your health
With the arrival of summer, the weather began to warm up. Increasing temperatures negatively affect our health. It is necessary to change life habits by adapting to changing weather conditions.…
This treatment is a glimmer of hope for orthopedic patients
Orthopedic diseases cover all joints, bones, muscles and related tissues (vessels, nerves, spinal cord) from the arms, legs, spine and pelvis areas, or in other words, from the skull base…
Drop these habits! It is mostly seen in Turkey in Europe.
Obesity is one of the most dangerous diseases of our age. Unhealthy habits acquired with changing living standards are among the most important factors causing obesity. Obesity causes many diseases…
Get rid of tooth tartar with this method! The solution is quite simple
Tartar is formed as a result of certain bacteria accumulating on the teeth and hardening over time. You can get rid of your tartar problem with this natural method, which…
What came out of the tea bag was horrified! “He came into our lives like a blessing, but right now it’s trouble”
Sakarya University (SAU) Engineering Faculty Environmental Engineering Department Lecturer Assoc. In her research on some tea bags, Meral Yurtsever found that while microplastics were found in 4 of 11 cup…
They thought it was a sunburn, but the truth turned out to be completely different! This little baby has become
Ella, 22 months old, was the victim of the giant bunny weed, which caused terrible wounds to those who touched it. The little girl’s hands, which came into contact with…