Tag: thermal
Real estate: thermal strainers, zero interest loan… Le Maire’s concessions
This is a measure taken before the significant rise in real estate rates. The “Climate and Resilience” law, promulgated on August 24, 2021, provides for the ban on rental from…
Thermal renovation of public buildings: “This could create 200,000 jobs!”
Reduce public spending while financing the energy transition. Or the contrary. Here is the complicated equation that the State must solve. In his interview with Echoes, published on August 30,…
End of thermal engines in 2035: how the German lobby imposed itself
And in the end Germany wins, you might say. After several weeks of turmoil within the European authorities, the Commission and Germany announced on Saturday that they had found common…
The countries opposed to the end of the thermal car in the EU in 2035 meet in Strasbourg
The ministers of several European countries reluctant to the end of the sale of combustion engine vehicles in 2035 and worried about the draft Euro 7 anti-pollution automotive standard, currently…
End of the sale of thermal engines in 2035: why are some countries slowing down the pace?
It is a serious setback that is taking shape for the European Union, while the Member States must vote to ban the sale of cars with internal combustion engines in…
Electrifying your thermal car: why it’s not for now
The first “retrofitted” car, the Henney Kilowatt, was manufactured in the United States in 1959 with General Electric batteries borrowed from Fenwick forklifts, mounted on the chassis of a… Renault…
PODCAST. Why “MaPrimeRenov'” is not enough to deal with the problem of thermal strainers
In this episode of La Loupe, Xavier Yvon takes stock of the flaws in a crucial policy (and the solutions to be found) with Philippine Robert, journalist in the Economy…
Brant firefighters use thermal mannequin for training
The thermal mannequin helps firefighters learn how to use a thermal imager when searching for people in a structure fire. Submitted jpg, BR A new thermal mannequin is being used…
Natural ventilation: what is it?
Unlike mechanical ventilation, natural ventilation consists of bringing in airair fresh air from the outside and to reject the stale air only by effect of convection to renew the volume…
Is cork a good thermal insulator?
Expanded cork, more precisely cork bark obtained from cork oak, is the oldest natural and ecological insulation for home insulation. Find out why cork is a good thermal insulator. The…