Tag: Terrorism
January 11, 2015: “Today, such a march would be difficult due to social tension in France”
“ Impossible to establish a precise count in Paris », recognized for the first time the French Ministry of the Interior on the evening of January 11, 2015. A declaration…
Ten years later, what remains of the Republican march, following the attacks of January 2015?
It was 10 years ago to the day, January 11, 2015, the day after the terrorist attacks that had just struck France. A human tide had invaded the Place de…
Macron and the battle for the terrorism memorial museum – L’Express
This week, the news that caught the attention of La Loupe is the maintenance of a terrorism memorial museum. In the middle of a week of tributes to the victims…
“Anti-Semitic acts have increased significantly” 10 years after the Hyper Cacher attack
On January 9, 2015, four customers of a Hyper Kosher frequented by the Jewish community were killed during a hostage taking led by Amédy Coulibaly. Ten years later, there were…
Deadly hostage taking at Hyper Cacher
After the bloody shooting in Montrouge which cost the life of police officer Clarissa Jean-Philippe, the accomplice of the Kouachi brothers, Amedy Coulibaly, was spotted at Porte de Vincennes, in…
Olivier Christen, national anti-terrorism prosecutor: “The jihadist threat is still the greatest in France”
Ten years after the January 2015 attacks in Paris, Olivier Christen, national anti-terrorism prosecutor in France, is the major international guest of RFI, this January 9, 2025. At the microphone…
Lassana Bathily, hero of Hyper Cacher: “I am not a hero, I am just a good citizen”
Ten years ago, on January 9, 2015, two days after the attack against Charlie Hebdofour people were killed by a terrorist at the Hyper Cacher at Porte de Vincennes, in…
the final assault against the Kouachi brothers holed up in a printing house
After an unprecedented manhunt, the police follow the trail of the two killers of Charlie Hebdo. The Kouachi brothers are in Seine-et-Marne, holed up in a printing works in the…
Clarissa Jean-Philippe, police officer, murdered in Montrouge
While the whole of France is focused on tracking down the Kouachi brothers after the attack on Charlie Hebdo, another tragedy hits the country the next day: a young police…
the hunt for the Kouachi brothers, Charlie’s killers
Following the attack on the Charlie Hebdo newspaper which cost the lives of 12 people the day before, French law enforcement is on a war footing. They are looking for…