Tag: Tech and Transformations
TikTok: behind the favorite teen app, these reasons that make the West tremble
In the parallel world of TikTok, the skies are blue, the birds are singing, and the gossip around Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber is hogging the attention. Fans of the…
Silicon Valley Bank, the discreet start-up bank with a vertiginous fall
Its closure sent a wave of panic through global financial markets. A week ago, however, few knew the name of this bank: Silicon Valley Bank. It was closed on Friday…
Crypto facing cyber risks: “A bug can endanger millions of euros”
Known for its market upheavals and vast scams, leaving millions of investors on the hook, the crypto world is less known for its large-scale hacks. That could change. Crypto-asset thefts…
ChatGPT, MidJourney… AI, an energy cost that is difficult to calculate
Denouncing the energy mismanagement of artificial intelligence is a bit like criticizing the smoke from a merguez stand at the Fête de l’Huma. It’s incongruous. In the abundant literature on…
TikTok, screens, teenagers: “Arriving at college is a pivotal period”
The sliders climb every year. In 2022, the amount of 11- and 12-year-olds using a social network has increased by another 10 points compared to 2020. It now peaks at…
Digital and ecological transition: a change in society or nothing?
In the era of ChatGPT, TikTok, and hours spent watching series on Netflix, it is sometimes easy to forget that digital pollutes. However, the analysis of the trend scenarios for…
PODCAST. How Google is facing the specter of the “IBM moment”
In this episode of La Loupe, Xavier Yvon analyzes the war of “search” which will change our uses of the Internet, with Frédéric Filloux, great reporter specializing in Tech at…
“A huge area to attack”: municipalities, easy targets for hackers
Since last Wednesday, the website of the town hall of Lille no longer responds. It was hacked, or at least cyberattacked. The origin of the attack still remains unknown. “The…
Social networks: is parental consent at 15 really applicable?
“Indispensable safeguards” in the face of “the growing precocity of digital puberty and the power of the tools made available to our young people”. On Thursday March 2, the National…
MidJourney: draw me a job killed by artificial intelligence
It is enough to use the MidJourney image generator for a few hours to realize the extent of the threat weighing on a series of trades and sectors. In bulk,…