Tag: symptoms
Paget’s disease of the nipple: photos, symptoms, survival
Paget’s disease of the nipple is linked to breast cancer that particularly affects women over the age of 50. It is a rare disease. Symptoms, evolution, treatment, healing, survival: discovery.…
Bacterial meningitis: cause, symptoms, duration
Meningitis is an infection affecting the meninges, the envelopes surrounding the brain. It can be caused by bacteria, called meningococci. This infection is very serious and must be treated immediately.…
Goiter: photo, symptoms of an increased thyroid
Goiter is characterized by an increase in the volume of the thyroid, a gland whose role is to regulate the body. How to recognize the beginning of goiter? What are…
What are the symptoms of dyslexia? Is it curable?
Dyslexia is a written language disorder (reading and writing) of neurological origin present in children and which can persist into adulthood. Definition, symptoms, test, cause, treatment: discovery. Summary Dyslexia is…
Exophoria: cause, symptoms, what is it?
Exophoria corresponds to a pathology characterized by a deviation of the eyeballs. This alteration occurs in the context of a dissociated vision between the two eyes. The point on the…
Degenerative disc disease: symptoms, cure, is it serious?
Degenerative disc disease (lumbar, cervical, stepped) is a process of wear of one or more discs between the vertebrae, most often at the level of the spine. Summary We are…
Crabs: size, symptoms, treatment
Crabs or “pubic lice” are sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). What symptoms when you have them? What treatment to get rid of it? White vinegar? Summary Crabs are lice, tiny insectswhich…
Disc narrowing: definition, symptoms and treatment
Disc pinching, or disc collapse, is a thinned, pinched intervertebral disc (or discs), which leads to symptoms such as back or neck pain. Is that bad ? How to treat…
Lung metastases: symptoms, healing, survival
About 30% of cancer patients (kidney, colon, breast, etc.) develop lung metastases. Symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatment, chances of survival… Insight from Dr Paul Cottu, oncologist at the Institut Curie. Summary…
Hypersensitivity: test, “symptoms”, what does that mean?
Hypersensitivity is a character trait that corresponds to higher than average emotional or sensory sensitivity. It is not a disease or a disorder. Characteristics of a hypersensitive, test, how to…