Tag: symptoms
Chikungunya: symptoms, duration, in France, is it fatal?
The chikungunya virus is transmitted to humans by the bite of the tiger mosquito or the Aedes aegypti mosquito. In which countries? In France ? What symptoms? Duration ? Deadly…
Osteophytosis: knee, hip, lumbar, cervical, symptoms
Osteophytosis is manifested by the presence of bony growths called osteophytes or “parrot’s beaks” which damage the cartilage. It occurs especially in cases of osteoarthritis (knee, hip, lumbar…). Summary Osteophytosis…
Semen Allergy: Symptoms and Treatments
Semen allergy is a very rare allergy whose symptoms are sometimes confused with those of sexual infections. What are the symptoms ? How to treat? Summary Semen allergy is very…
Beginning of cystitis: the first symptoms
Cystitis (urinary tract infection) is mild but can be very painful. Burning, need to pee… What are the typical first symptoms? What to do and what to take as soon…
What are the symptoms of venous insufficiency?
Swollen ankles, heavy legs, varicose veins… Venous insufficiency (bad return) ruins the lives of nearly 18 million people in France. Especially women. (First) symptoms, cause, treatment. Summary Venous insufficiency corresponds…
Serous otitis: symptoms, adults, how to treat it?
A serous or seromucous otitis is an inflammation of the middle ear associated with the presence of yellow serous fluid behind the eardrum. It is more common in children but…
Typhus: definition, symptoms, contagion, vaccine
Typhus is a disease that is transmitted by lice or tics. Fever and rash are among the first warning symptoms. Summary THE typhus diseases (exanthematic,…) are dangerous for human beings…
Post-traumatic stress: symptoms, duration, what is it?
Rape, scenes of war, attacks, serious accidents… Post-traumatic stress affects people who are victims or witnesses of catastrophic and tragic events. Discovery with Johanna Rozenblum, clinical psychologist. Summary Definition: what…
Heart disease: cause, symptoms, what is it?
A Terminale student who was taking the baccalaureate in Lille on March 22, 2023 died of a heart attack during the test. The symptoms of heart disease are similar to…
Thyroid nodule: symptoms, puncture, cancer?
A thyroid nodule is a small, painless mass, most often discovered during an ultrasound of the neck or by palpation. Is that bad ? Cancerous? What symptoms? Treatment ? Summary…