Tag: symptoms
What is good for knee arthritis, how does it go? What are the symptoms of calcification in the knee, what causes it?
Calcification is also called osteoarthritis. Calcification is divided into types. The disease, which is known as knee calcification among the people, is known as gonarthrosis. In addition, calcification is referred…
Chagas disease: symptoms, bedbugs involved?
Chagas disease is a parasitic disease that occurs mainly in Central and South America. It can cause heart, nervous and/or digestive problems if the parasite is not identified and treated…
The 3 characteristic symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
Three symptoms are used to make the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. We speak of “parkinsonian triad” to qualify them. Others may occur at a more advanced stage. Summary On the…
Aragmatism: causes, symptoms, what is it?
Apragmatism is a psychiatric symptom resulting in an inability to take action. How to recognize it? What is the cause ? A sign of autism? What treatment? Definition and decryption.…
Esophageal stenosis: symptoms, cancer?
Esophageal stricture, or narrowing of the esophagus, results in a feeling of difficulty when swallowing. Causes, diagnosis, treatments… We take stock. Summary What is an esophageal stricture? Esophageal stricture means…
Lumbar discopathy: symptoms, how to relieve it?
Lumbar discopathy is the slow and progressive deterioration of the intervertebral discs, these little “cushions” acting as shock absorbers. When do we talk about L4-L5 and L5-S1 disc disease? How…
Alzheimer’s: a study shows the benefits of neurostimulation on symptoms
News Published on 04/07/2023 at 3:18 p.m. Updated 04/07/2023 at 3:18 p.m. Reading 2 mins. According to a recent study conducted on mice, deep brain stimulation of hippocampal neurons would…
How to lower the adrenaline hormone? What are the symptoms of high adrenaline hormone?
Adrenaline is one of the most important hormones in our body. Adrenaline is a hormone secreted by our adrenal glands and allows our body to respond in a fight or…
Subserous fibroma: symptoms, how to treat it?
The subserous fibroma is a benign muscular tumor which has the particularity of developing on the external face of the uterus. What are the symptoms ? The causes ? Can…
Tick-borne encephalitis: symptoms, vaccine, in France?
Cases of tick-borne encephalitis are worrying the authorities in England. A viral disease transmitted by ticks, which looks like the flu at first but which can lead to potentially fatal…