Tag: symptoms
What is a sociopath? What warning symptoms?
A sociopath is a person affected by a personality disorder which is defined by antisocial, impulsive and guilt-free behavior. This disorder appears to have its origins in childhood… Summary What…
The first 7 symptoms of lymphoma
Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system which, depending on its type, affects people aged 20 to 40 or over 60. Certain symptoms are particularly evocative. Summary Lymphoma is…
Botulism: typical symptoms in case of food poisoning
Around ten cases of food botulism are suspected in Bordeaux. One person died. Symptoms can progress very quickly. You have to go to the emergency room. Summary Botulism is a…
If you have a headache and cough, be careful: There is an increase in Eris variant cases! Expert Dr. listed the symptoms
Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Specialist Dr. stated that the Eris variant is seen in more than 50 countries as a subtype of the Omicron variant. Müzalin Çiğdem Yıldırım said, “The…
Female infertility: causes, symptoms, treatments
Sterility (or female infertility) refers to the inability, for a woman, to procreate within 12 to 24 months subject to having complete, regular sexual intercourse and without contraception. Possible causes.…
Vaginal infections: symptoms, how to treat them?
Women can be affected by various vaginal infections, which can be caught during unprotected sex or excessive sweating. A consultation with a doctor will help determine the cause and prescribe…
If you have these symptoms, be careful! It costs millions of lives, seconds save lives
1 person dies every 2.8 seconds worldwide due to sepsis. As a result of a severe infection developing in any part of the body, the immune system reacts and damage…
Disease of the penis: symptoms that should alert
Diseases of the penis, also called “penis” are very diverse. Any change in the male penis, at rest or erect, may be a sign of a pathological cause. What are…
The (first) characteristic symptoms of dengue
The first symptoms of dengue appear two to seven days after the bite of the tiger mosquito. Others can then occur, more or less severe, as our specialist from the…
Breast cyst: symptoms, cause, worrying?
A cyst in the breast (mammary cyst) is most of the time benign and does not increase the risk of cancer. However, it can be bothersome and cause symptoms such…