Tag: Sweden news
East Germany’s last Foreign Minister: “I wish Russia a new Gorbachev”
A printout from Dagens Nyheter, 2022-06-01 04:44 Article origin address: https://www.dn.se/varlden/osttysklands-sista-utrikesminister-jag-onskar-ryssland-en-ny-gorbatjov/ Updated Yesterday 20:19 Published Yesterday 19:06 BERLIN. The war in Ukraine has led Germany to reconsider its complicated relationship…
Russian oil stop – Aftonbladet podcast
svg fill: var (- c-neutral-02); width: 13px; height: 13px; @ media screen and (max-width: 589px) . css-uwil32> svg position: absolute; left: 50 %; – webkit-transform: translateX (-50%); – moz-transform: translateX…
Scattered on Asian stock markets
The index is best in Japan, where the Nikkei 225 has risen just over 0.6 percent and the broader Topixi has climbed close to 1.2 percent after almost two hours…
Death toll rises after floods in Brazil
Paulo Camara, governor of the state of Pernambuco, told local media that the focus now is on finding those still missing in the landslides and floods in the area, Reuters…
Expert: Rising food prices also in 2023
A printout from Dagens Nyheter, 2022-06-01 03:05 The article’s original address: https://www.dn.se/ekonomi/expert-stigande-priser-pa-livsmedel-aven-2023/ Updated Yesterday 22:05 Published Yesterday 20:13 Picture 1 of 2 Photo: Anders Wiklund / TT Picture 2 of…
Emissions from recreational boats leave traces
Recreational boat traffic leaves clear traces in the environment. It is now clear after the Marine Environment Institute examined bottom sediments, mussels and oysters in the Bohuslän archipelago. In a…
Emissions from recreational boats leave traces
In a new report, researchers have for the first time examined the extent to which exhaust fumes from recreational boat traffic are stored in the seabed and aquatic organisms. And…
Ahead of the climate summit: press conference with the UN Secretary-General
09.00 Press conference with the Sweden Democrats that presents new proposals against welfare crime and parallel societies. 09:30 – 12:00 Debate in the Riksdag DIRECTLYAmong other things, about the Justice…
Jonas Ebbesson: Stockholm + 50 can also be a milestone
50 years ago, over 100 countries gathered for a major UN conference in Stockholm. It would be about the environment, and would lay an important foundation for international environmental cooperation.…
Students were discriminated against for clothing choices
The Discrimination Ombudsman (DO) requests SEK 50,000 in discrimination compensation from a school for a student after she was asked to cover herself when she was considered to be wearing…