Tag: Sweden news
Got fired in Vegas – takes over Dallas
– Every team he takes over has not only shown immediate improvement but has also been very good in the Stanley Cup, says Dallas general manager Jim Nill. DeBoer has…
Abortions in Sweden continue to decrease – but home abortions are increasing
Last year, just over 33,700 abortions were reported to the National Board of Health and Welfare, which is about 900 fewer than in 2020. The number of abortions has mainly…
Holidays are canceled and trains are replaced by expensive taxi journeys
A printout from Dagens Nyheter, 2022-06-21 22:52 The article’s original address: https://www.dn.se/varlden/semestrar-stalls-in-och-tag-ersatts-av-dyra-taxiresor/ Many Britons felt the consequences of the train strike that broke out on Tuesday. Many could not get…
Climate striker Arsjak Makitjan could become stateless
He became known around the world as Russia’s only climate striker. Now the Putin regime wants to fight back against Arsjak Makitjan, 28 – by revoking his citizenship. – This…
Historic EU decision welcomed by Ukrainians
The EU stated today that it had reached an agreement to give Ukraine a formal place in the queue to become an EU member. The decision is expected to be…
Spain gives up Olympic plans
Catalonia, whose largest city is Barcelona, and the neighboring region of Aragon, where Zaragoza is the largest city, fail to agree and accuse each other of playing a political game…
Therefore, the budget can be decided by drawing lots
Why can Amineh Kakabaveh make the decision? The government’s extra amending budget contains the compromise proposal on increased guarantee pension that the government agreed with the Center Party, the Green…
Vladimir Putin’s proposal on Ukraine and the EU is joking
It is not uncommon for a proposal by the Russian president to be confusing. Sometimes it’s about getting the opponent out of balance, sometimes it’s about sowing division. Still, it…
RA appeals rape conviction
The Attorney General wants the Supreme Court to decide when rape of a child at a distance should be counted as a serious crime. In May this year, a 26-year-old…
Violent hailstorm shatters home: “Sounded like the roof exploded”
As this hailstorm swept across southwestern France, hundreds of homes were destroyed. Some people are also said to have been injured, albeit slightly. A woman, who lives on the outskirts…