Tag: suspicious
Two arrested after suspicious car find
The persons, one of whom is stated to be a man in his 20s, are suspected of preparation for gross public destruction and gross violation of the Act on Flammable…
Major police operation in Stockholm – suspicious object in car
A large police operation took place on Friday evening on Gjörwellsgatan, which is located on Kungsholmen in central Stockholm. According to information, the police bomb squad was on the scene…
Suspicious package in Vinkeveen residential area turns out to be tracker under car
The tracker was discovered around 3 a.m. last night, but it was initially unclear what kind of object it was. That is why five homes were evacuated as a precaution.…
Fished up suspicious grenade – park closed
Published: Just now full screenSvartån in Örebro. Stock Photography. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg / TT A suspected grenade was fished on Sunday morning out of Svartån in central Örebro. The finding…
Fished up suspicious grenade – park closed
The police bomb squad has been called to the scene. – We can not fully confirm that it is a grenade, we have taken pictures and then the bomb squad…
The veil of secrecy is lifted in 50 years of mystery! The ‘milk on the table’ detail attracted attention: Suspicious witness appeared
Swedish farmer Sven Sjogren had a land dispute with his neighbors in October 1972. After the enmity, Sjogren disappeared and was never heard from again. Police haven’t been able to…
London restaurant blaze deemed suspicious; damage pegged at $1.5M
News Local News London police are investigating a suspicious fire at a northeast restaurant that caused $1.5 million damage. London firefighters survey the damage after fire burst through the roof…
17-year-old Miro Heiskanen punches flour in HIFK’s suspicious coaches, then it starts to happen – such NHL stars strengthen Lions
Pekka Kangasalusta tells how Miro Heiskanen developed in HIFK next to the AHL roller. Antti-Jussi Niemi already saw the young Esa Lindell in Jokeri that the qualities to become a…
Another suspicious death related to Gazprom!
In Russia, one of the top names associated with Gazprom died in a more suspicious manner. It was announced that Andrei Krukowski, the manager of the Krasyana Polyana ski resort…