Tag: Summit
European Council begins: Ukraine and Gaza at the center of the summit
(Finance) – The German Chancellor Olaf Scholz he said he was sure that the signal sent by the EU to Putin it is “very clear”. “He has made a mistake…
At the A4E Summit in Brussels, back and forth between Spohr (Lufthansa) and O’Leary (Ryanair)
(Finance) – Carsten SpohrCEO of Lufthansa Groupspeaking atAviation Summit of Airlines for Europe (A4E) in Brussels, it was declared optimistic on the green light from the EU to the entry…
a summit for a “critical” year 2024 – L’Express
South Korea is hosting the third edition of the “summit of democracy“, which will take place until Wednesday March 20. Initiated by American President Joe Biden in 2021, this event…
third democracy summit opens in Seoul with some criticism
This Monday, March 18, in Seoul, the third democracy summit kicked off. This initiative by the Biden administration is being held for the first time outside the United States, with…
EU summit: Congratulations on the election victory, Putin
share-arrowShare unsaveSave expand-left full screen EU Council President Charles Michel. Stock photo. Photo: Jean-Francois Badias/AP/TT The presidential election in Russia has just started – but EU Council President Charles Michel…
a summit with Poland, Germany and France on Friday in Berlin – L’Express
The leaders of Poland, Germany and France will meet on Friday in Berlin for an emergency summit devoted to Ukraine, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk announced. “On Friday, I will…
the heads of the list almost all at the meeting of the World Impact Summit
Slowly, but surely, the European campaign is starting to take off. After a long agricultural sequence, the question of ecological transition was addressed this Thursday March 7 in Bordeaux during…
Interest rates, inflation put homes out of reach of many, summit hears
Breadcrumb Trail Links News Local News Author of the article: Daily News staff Published Feb 27, 2024 • 2 minute read Chatham-Kent Mayor Darrin Canniff, center rear, and Ontario Real…
Volodymyr continues his search for support in Tirana during a regional summit
The Ukrainian president continues to travel the world to try to rally support for his country while Ukraine is suffering on the front, due to lack of ammunition among other…
Five years after the Vatican summit on pedophilia, the fight against abuse remains difficult
Five years ago, Pope Francis summoned to the Vatican the presidents of episcopal conferences from around the world, as well as the superiors of religious orders, for an unprecedented summit…