Tag: substations
The Baltic States leave the Russian power grid over the weekend – in Estonia, the National Guard protects substations from sabotage | Foreign countries
At least one suspicious incident happened before the h-moment, when an electric pillar was lit on the west coast of Estonia. The Rescue Agency urges you to prepare for power…
Enel Grids presents Enel Box: the new solution for more sustainable electrical substations
(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Enel Grids revolutionizes the design of its secondary cabins, making them even more sustainable and in harmony with the urban environment, and it does so thanks…
This time the Russian army targeted Lviv! Electric substations hit
The Russian army targeted the electricity substations in the city of Lviv in western Ukraine with its missile attack. Lviv Municipality Mayor Andrey Sadoviy said in a statement, “As a…