Tag: storage
Gas, EU prices to the Maximians from 2023: EU storage decreases
(Finance) – The Gas at the TTF in Amsterdam, the reference stock exchange for the European fuel prices, the highest level from the end of 2023, has exceeded 53 euros.…
Energy companies receive billion support for carbon dioxide storage
Stockholm Exergi has been granted SEK 20 billion in support from the Swedish Energy Agency to store 11 million tonnes of carbon dioxide under the seabed. The Authority hopes that…
Venier (Snam): essential storage flexibility with a less predictable energy market
(Finance) – “The energy market remains uncertain not only due to geopolitical tensionsbut due to the intrinsic volatility of energy and gas prices, with an effect exacerbated by the growing…
USA, gas storage last week -116 BCF
(Finance) – Prices fell less than expected storages weekly Of gas in the USA. According to theEnergy Information Administration (EIA), division of the US Department of Energy, gas storage in…
Europe’s largest carbon dioxide storage facility starts in Denmark | News in brief
When fully operational, the Greensand facility can store the emissions of 700,000 Danes. Denmark-based energy company Ineos is launching a facility for storing captured carbon dioxide, which is to become…
Since the start of the winter season, Europe has withdrawn over 10.5 billion cubic meters of gas from storage
(Finance) – European countries continue to use their underground gas storage (UGS) reserves, maintaining record withdrawal rates in November, according to data from Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE). As we read…
“I can rent a storage room”
For over 30 years, Linda has been collecting Santas. Today, the collection is approaching 2,000 gnomes, but Linda has no plans to stop collecting. – I buy around 60 to…
There is nothing in it: It is known as ‘energy storage’! It keeps you warm in winter when you consume it as a loaf of bread.
Thursday walnut halva, which has been sweetening the palate in the province for centuries and has been registered as a geographical indication by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office in…
The host agency has found a storage site for 800,000 tons of carbon dioxide per year
Sweden’s government has invested 36 billion so that companies and industries that burn branches, leaves and other biomass should start capturing carbon dioxide from their chimneys. It involves turning the…
USA, gas storage last week +69 BCF
(Finance) – Weekly gas stocks in the USA are increasing more than expected. According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), a division of the US Department of Energy, gas storage…