Tag: squirrel
ESA is preparing hibernation modules for its bear-inspired AI-controlled astronauts
Humanity has set foot on the Moon. But truly tearing ourselves away from our earthly roots is always a challenge. And hibernation could help us get there. If we manage…
This discovery opens the way to hibernation for astronauts
The striped ground squirrel. This little squirrel can do what the best trained astronauts are unable to do. He knows how to maintain his muscle mass for several months. So…
Space travel: this discovery opens the way to hibernation for astronauts
The striped ground squirrel. This little squirrel can do what the best trained astronauts are unable to do. He knows how to maintain his muscle mass for several months. So…
Hibernation: how do squirrels go months without drinking?
Squirrels are among the animals that hibernate the longest: they spend up to eight months of the year in a state of semi-torpor, during which they do not drink a…
Beasts of science: squirrels have a strong personality!
“Bêtes de science” is like a collection of stories. Beautiful stories that tell the living in all its freshness. But also in all its complexity. A parenthesis to marvel at…
Winter: offer room and board to the gardener’s auxiliaries
Before the cold, frost and frost invade the garden, plan shelters so that the small auxiliaries, allies of the gardener, find the necessary food and lodgings to pass the winter…