Tag: sport
The good resolutions of the French upset by the health crisis
News Published on 12/29/2020 2 min read Stop smoking or eat healthier, what will be your good resolutions for the year 2021? Health crisis and confinement oblige, sport will be…
In 2021, sport remains the good resolution n ° 1
News Posted on 01/05/2021 1 min read According to a study carried out by the Gymlib sports platform, the priority of the French remains to practice a sporting activity, ahead…
Crossfit, a new miracle sport? Its advantages and disadvantages
In the fitness and health market, Crossfit has given the traditional gym a boost. Based on intense efforts, the practice of the exercises is not without its dangers. Discover its…
Football: towards computer-assisted refereeing
From November 30, Fifa will take advantage of the Arab Cup in Qatar to test semi-automated offside arbitration. About ten cameras are dedicated to player movements, and an application decides…
Publicize women’s sport to lead it into a “virtuous circle”
News Posted on 01/19/2021 3 min read More broadcast than before, women’s sport only timidly breaks through on television screens, but its promoters think they can set up “a virtuous…
There are also unconscious sports among the causes of inguinal hernia!
It is the fact that a ring-shaped anatomical structure in the inguinal region is congenitally open or the fat tissue around the intestine or intestines protrudes from there as a…
5 tips for getting back to sport… and sticking to it!
It is not always easy to go from a sedentary life due to teleworking to the regular resumption of physical activity. How do you go about not flinching and keeping…
Migraine? Exercising might help
News Posted on 02/25/2021 2 min read Not recommended during crises, regular physical exercise can, however, act as a preventive measure on the appearance of migraines. A new study from…
Women do not have the same sports practices as men
News Posted on 03/10/2021 3 min read Fewer competitions, more solo practice and more gym or fitness: women are less likely than men to be registered in a sports club,…
Since when has sport been synonymous with health?
News Posted on 04/07/2021 2 min read The health benefits of sport are well established. But this correlation is the result of several centuries of medical research. Already in Antiquity,…