Tag: Species
“This way the species can die”
JYVÄSKYLÄ. On the gravel roads of central Finland, one of the most anticipated events of the World Rally Championship, the Finnish World Rally Championship, has started. Already on Thursday at…
A new fish species has been discovered in Bolivia! This feature surprised everyone: Out of the water…
The new fish species discovered by researcher Heinz Arno Drawert voluntarily emerged from the water, remained outside for hours and continued to breathe, national media reported. “THIS IS AMAZING FISH…”…
Curly hair would be an “advantage” in the evolution of the human species
A scientific study reveals how hair is involved in the evolution of the human body. Thus, curly or curly hair would be well to protect the brain from high heat.…
New project to stop dangerous species in the sea
Several invasive species have increased in the Skagerack and Kattegatt in recent years. Now a Nordic research project is starting to stop the spread.– This is one of the five…
Here, the butterfly species is saved when the lupines are cleared away
A survey carried out by SVT Nyheter shows that the county administrations around Sweden lower the priority of work against invasive species – this also applies in Uppsala County. –…
Here, rose lovers get help with the species names at Fredriksdal’s rose festival
The expert help with species identification of the roses in one’s own yard is one of the main attractions at Freriksdal’s annual Rose Days, which were held this past weekend.…
Volker Türk (UN): “Artificial intelligence has enormous potential, but the human species is in danger”
Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights is this Monday, June 12, Special Day dedicated to Artificial Intelligence, the morning guest of RFI. What can be the contribution and…
The “rubber eel” and more than five thousand other previously unknown species were found at a depth of kilometers at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean
Thousands of species previously unknown to science were found in the area where deep-sea mining is planned. Scientists have discovered more than 5,000 new species of life from kilometers deep…
This is what a Cambodian lizard looks like, which defends itself by changing its color – nearly 400 new species were discovered in Southeast Asia
Several unusual species were found in the Mekong in Southeast Asia. One of them is a Lao plant species, only 30 of which were found on the walls of the…
Chucarosaurus, a new species of giant herbivorous dinosaur discovered in Argentina
It is called the chucarosaurus, it was about 30 meters long, and it is the last to join the great family of dinosaurs. Argentinian scientists have announced the discovery of…