Tag: Social issues
commotion in the face of the pension reform project
After the presentation, Tuesday, January 10, of the pension reform project by Élisabeth Borne, the French unions, meeting at the Bourse du travail in Paris, called for mobilization on January…
Elisabeth Borne unveils her pension reform project
The French Prime Minister presented, this Tuesday, January 10, 2023, the pension reform project of her government, which plans to gradually push back the legal retirement age to 64 years.…
Pensions and employment of seniors: “It requires a change of mentality in companies”
Elisabeth Borne presents this Tuesday the measures concerning the pension reform, with as a flagship measure the decline in the legal age of retirement and the establishment of a minimum…
Pension reform in France: the moment of truth
Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne will unveil this Tuesday, at the end of the afternoon, the details of the pension reform promised by Emmanuel Macron during the campaign. We can expect…
new death sentences handed down by the country’s courts
After the hanging, on Saturday January 7, of two young people for the murder of an Islamist militiaman on November 3, 2022, many concerns have been expressed about the application…
in Honduras, the state of emergency extended for 45 days
In place since December, the “state of exception” aims to fight against the criminal gangs that are rampant in this country among the most violent in the world. Forty-five additional…
The retreats will put the Assembly in turmoil
The National Assembly has become a veritable cauldron in recent months with the only relative majority available to President Macron. It hadn’t happened since 1988. Has the so-called lower house…
will the government and the Republicans agree on the pension reform?
Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne has just completed her last round of consultations on pension reform. With the unions, but also with Les Républicains (LR), the only political force likely to…
Macron’s plan to get out of an “endless crisis”
This Friday, January 6, French President Emmanuel Macron unveiled his answers for “ get out of this day of endless crisis in which the French health system has settled. The…
Braille books accessible for the first time at the price of a classic book
This Wednesday, January 4, World Braille Day, more than 2,000 books in Braille were made available at the single book price, which until then had only been applied to so-called…