Tag: smell
Avicenna’s incredible solution to headache! Perfect smell healing
We have brought together the benefits of two flowers recommended by Ibn Sina for headaches. These flowers, which you can find healing even from the smell, can solve the headache…
Morelos recovers his sense of smell – AS.com
Alfred MorelosColombian striker rangersrecovered his goalscoring instinct after two games without a goal and scored his eighteenth goal against Motherwell of the season, still far from his best season, 2018/19,…
There’s a smell to it: what exactly is fragrance?
Residents of the city could send in their questions in the context of the 385th anniversary of Utrecht University and UMC Utrecht. From: ‘what is smell?’ to ‘what will Utrecht…
There are a million people in Turkey! Don’t smell onions
In a statement made within the scope of 14 February World Epilepsy Day, the Turkish Association for Combating Epilepsy drew attention to the fact that epilepsy does not prevent a…
Cabinet of curiosities: photographs… of smells!
Today in the Cabinet of curiosities, we’re off on an excursion into the world of photography… and smells. Earl Grey, jasmine or Oolong tea, choose your favorite tea and let…
Covid-19: rediscover your sense of smell in the cold thanks to cryotherapy!
News Posted 6m ago, Reading 1 min. Loss of smell, or anosmia, is one of the symptoms of Covid-19 infection. People who suffer from it are hampered in their daily…
Covid 19: this new symptom that gives food a foul smell
News Posted 1 day ago, Reading 1 min. As the fifth wave of Covid-19 takes its course in France, some patients infected with the Omicron variant are describing a new…
Covid-19: how to find smell?
Loss of smell is one of the most common symptoms of Covid-19, and it sometimes lasts for several months. What is it due to? How long can this last? And…
The smell of babies calms men but makes women aggressive
There is something unique to the smell of a baby for its parents. Israeli scientists shed light on how volatile molecules produced by the skin change the behavior of fathers…
Artificial intelligence and scent: Could the toothbrush be used for cancer diagnosis in the future?
From the perfumes and deodorants we wear to public spaces, fragrance is one of the last areas where artificial intelligence will revolutionize our lives. But big data and ultra-fast computers…