Tag: small
Small plane crashed in Germany: 2 people died
A small plane crashed into the parking lot of the FlicFlac circus in Duisburg, Germany, in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. 2 people lost their lives in the accident. After…
In the spotlight: small undertakers for Gorby
Mikhail Gorbachev is buried this Saturday in Moscow… The funeral will take place without the presence of Vladimir Putin, due to the Russian president’s busy schedule. Officially…: ” Certainly, admits…
Wake up: Even a small cooling will cut the electricity bill | The doctor’s attitude can prevent sterilization
We tell the news and topics of the day quickly. ‘s counter shows how the electricity bill is reduced By lowering the room air and shower temperature even a little,…
Small movements in the stock market’s pre-trade
In advance on IG Markets, today’s stock market also looks like it will open with little movement, the futures on OMXS30 are trading at plus 0.1 percent. A similar cautious…
Small and tiny Kosken Kaiku plays a significant role in the background of the Finns’ European success in Munich – “Magic on”
Kristiina Mäkelä’s coach from Tuomas Sall and Wilma Murro’s coach from Jarno Koivu are united not only by the prestigious medal of the coaches but also by a small and…
A small discovery could make new graphics cards and processors much faster than ever before
Semiconductors are found in graphics cards and processors. Now researchers have tested a new material that could make GPUs much faster in the future. But until then, there is probably…
A small Steam game made me chat with a bot for 3 hours
It’s 2008 and the AOL Instant Messenger is dead. With these words the somewhat bizarre simulation Emily is Away
Kalle Rovanperä’s championship can be secured already this weekend, but it requires a small miracle – the expert opens up the Finn’s possibilities
Kalle Rovanperä is on his way to become world rally champion, the first Finn in 20 years. But the championship is unlikely to be celebrated this week in Belgium. 18.8.…
Bed Bath & Beyond, the stock market run pushed by small traders does not stop
(Finance) – The race does not stop of the title Bed Bath & Beyonda US household goods chain, driven by speculation by small investors who coordinate online. The shares have…
Small and ugly mussels will save the stock
The number of blue mussels on the West Coast has decreased significantly in shallow bays. Why is not yet known, but one suspected cause is climate change. The purpose of…