Tag: shutdowns
Tennis: Fredrik “Fidde” Rosengren about the short shutdowns: “Do you think we are stupid in our heads?”
Hear more about Rosengren’s analysis in the player above. 65-year-old Rosengren began his time on the tour as coach in 1988 and has trained lots of star players and was…
In recent days, there have been two emergency shutdowns at Russian nuclear power plants in the vicinity of Finland
One reactor at the Kola nuclear power plant was shut down on Sunday and at Sosnyvyi Bor in the Gulf of Finland last Friday. According to the Radiation Protection Agency,…
Reactor shutdowns can lead to higher electricity prices
Reactor 3 at the Oskarshamn nuclear power plant is Sweden’s largest reactor and accounts for approximately one third of Swedish nuclear electricity. But starting next Friday, the reactor will be…