Tag: shares
Utrecht University shares knowledge about rabbits on theme evening: ‘Most neglected pet in the Netherlands’
The Rabbit Interests Foundation is organizing the Evening for Rabbits at Utrecht University together with students of Veterinary Medicine. Here people are provided with information about the animals and that…
Webuild, weekly communication on treasury shares
(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Webuild reported that he has purchasedfrom 5 to 9 December 2022 inclusive, overall 113,716 ordinary treasury shares at the average price of 1.4749 euro per share,…
Civitanavi, the parent company signs a loan that will be converted into shares
(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Civitanavi Systemsa group listed on Euronext Milan active in the field of inertial navigation and stabilization systems used in the aerospace, naval and industrial sectors, announced…
Til Schweiger shares poster for “Movie the nation has been waiting for 30 years”
After 31 years, Til Schweiger brings one Sequel to his cult hit Manta, Manta and we didn’t lean too far out of the window with comparisons of a German Fast…
Master director shares video 10 years after failure
It hurt fans of fantasy and horror terribly when Guillermo del Toro’s adaptation of HP Lovecraft’s Mountains of Madness failed almost 10 years ago. The legendary director has now, however,…
Atlantia, ok to offer on ordinary shares
(Finance) – With reference to thevoluntary takeover bid (OPA) concerning the ordinary shares of Atlantia promoted by Schema Alfa as bidder, and with reference to the bid document approved by…
Newlat Food, update on the purchase and sale of treasury shares
(Finance) – Newlat Food announced that, from 1 to 30 October 2022, purchased 116,849 ordinary shares at the average unit price of € 4.70 for a countervalue overall of 546,826.41…
Eni continues the purchase of treasury shares
(Finance) – Eni has announced that it has purchasedbetween 24 and 28 October 2022, in total 12,439,005 own sharesand, at the weighted average price of € 12.6142 per share, for…
OVS, trading on own shares
(Finance) – OVS has announced that it has purchasedbetween 20 and 26 October 2022, overall 344,795 ordinary shares (equal to 0.119% of the share capital) at the average unit price…
INWIT, Dg Diego Galli buys 30 thousand shares on the market
(Finance) – Diego GalliGeneral Manager of INWITthe first Italian tower operator, has purchased 30,000 ordinary shares of the company on the electronic stock market (MTA). The shares, an INWIT note…