Tag: SEK
They can receive SEK 1,500 more in pension – for ten years
Before 2025, it has been decided that the tax on ISK savings will be regulated. After the National Debt Office determined the government loan interest rate, it is now clear…
Do you have any of the animal grabbers at home? They are worth SEK 22,500
In recent years, second hand has become increasingly popular. On the buying and selling site Tradera, several product groups have seen a marked increase in the number of advertisements and…
The pension gap is reduced by SEK 1,350 a month
On Wednesday 27 November, Skandia presented a new report which shows the so-called “respect distance”, i.e. the difference in pension between the person who worked an entire professional life and…
Do you have this exclusive trinket? It is worth SEK 55,500
In times where the Swedish economy has been severely strained due to inflation, which has had a tight grip on society, many have had to turn their pennies around to…
Northvolt’s remuneration to the new members – monthly salary and SEK 55,000 per day
Just three days before the announcement of American restructuring, Northvolt’s then CEO Peter Carlsson held an extraordinary general meeting of Northvolt Ett AB, the subsidiary that runs the Skellefteå factory.…
Then you can lose SEK 1,200 in pension – every month
Your pension can be affected by many different things. The Swedish pension system is currently structured in three primary parts: first and foremost the general pension, to which everyone who…
Man mock executed and tortured – over a debt of SEK 6,000
Undressed, tied and tied, the man is said to have been subjected to a protracted and torture-like beating. The assaults were filmed – with the goal of getting over 6,000…
The rule many people ignore in traffic – SEK 2,500 in fines
The stop light is one of the basic and most basic traffic rules. Despite this, there are many road users who ignore the rule, according to a new survey from…
Couple stole SEK 6,000 from Ikea: “We felt stressed”
In October, the police were called to Ikea in Uppsala after store staff discovered something suspicious. A 35-year-old couple had left the department store with goods worth SEK 9,000, but…
This is how you increase your pension by SEK 1,248 – in one year
One way to extend the pension and ensure that the wallet remains more well-filled is to continue for a while longer in working life. Becoming a job holder has become…