Tag: Sciences and health
These cancers increasing in adolescents and young adults – L’Express
This is the first French study of this scope. Public health France, in collaboration with several institutes, including the National Cancer Institute and the Cancer League, published the results of…
“Key Labs”, “One Health” … When the research abused of the frankis, by Jean Szlamowicz – L’Express
The recent CNRS decision to distinguish an elite among its laboratories – thus implicitly discrediting its other scientists considered to be less deserving – was manifested by a strange appellation:…
why France is tumbling up in international rankings – L’Express
In the cinema, a well-known camera game allows you to extend the background of images, without any special effects. The director tightens the focal length at the same time as…
What we know – L’Express
Lots of questions and still few answers. An unidentified illness killed dozens of people and infected hundreds in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported. For…
New recommendations, vaccine in testing … towards the end of “Lyme madness”? – L’Express
Will the controversy surrounding Lyme disease finally end? The High Authority for Health (HAS) published, on February 18, an update of its recommendations For the management of this infection caused…
“There will soon be a huge boom to treat psychiatric diseases” – L’Express
What do we know about consciousness, and the unconscious? Can the progress made by neuroscientists help us better understand ourselves? In The brainYves Agid, professor emeritus of neurology, founder of…
“We thought we were in an amusement park” – L’Express
It is a place rich in history, which has seen the greatest specialists in the human race, from Claude Lévi-Strauss to André Leroi-Gourhan, prehistorian having jostled the methods of archaeological…
“This gives meaning to what we do” – L’Express
Dark sedan, bodyguards, stolen entrance, millimeter organization. This Tuesday, February 11, it is not a head of state that is about to discover The Curie Institutebut it’s just like. Passing…
How National Education can face it – L’Express
In the general opinion, diagnoses of neurodevelopmental disorders (dyslexia, dyspraxia, autism, ADHD, etc.) are constantly increasing. They put teachers and the school system in increasing difficulty, as well as the…
Discover the 10 essential signs to recognize it and act – L’Express
Depression is one of the most common psychological disorders worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 5% Adults are suffering from it, a constantly increasing figure for several…