Tag: Sciences
“There will soon be a huge boom to treat psychiatric diseases” – L’Express
What do we know about consciousness, and the unconscious? Can the progress made by neuroscientists help us better understand ourselves? In The brainYves Agid, professor emeritus of neurology, founder of…
“We thought we were in an amusement park” – L’Express
It is a place rich in history, which has seen the greatest specialists in the human race, from Claude Lévi-Strauss to André Leroi-Gourhan, prehistorian having jostled the methods of archaeological…
“This gives meaning to what we do” – L’Express
Dark sedan, bodyguards, stolen entrance, millimeter organization. This Tuesday, February 11, it is not a head of state that is about to discover The Curie Institutebut it’s just like. Passing…
How National Education can face it – L’Express
In the general opinion, diagnoses of neurodevelopmental disorders (dyslexia, dyspraxia, autism, ADHD, etc.) are constantly increasing. They put teachers and the school system in increasing difficulty, as well as the…
At the Sorbonne, Gérald Bronner launches the “rationalist counter-offensive”-L’Express
“Runoff” is an interesting scientific concept, although capricious. He would like the accumulation of wealth to end up benefiting as many people as possible. This is only rarely the case.…
Research hampered by fraud? The incredible revelations of an investigator – L’Express
Charles PILLER is a picky man. The kind not to let anything go through. Give him an appointment, and you will see. Four shortly minutes late, and he restarts. Exactly…
Is obesity a disease? This scientific debate which does not end – L’Express
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Teddy Riner have an unexpected common point: they are both considered obese. There is no doubt that the 142 kilos of French judoka are more made up…
epidemic intensifies in children – L’Express
The influenza epidemic, already very marked for several weeks, has accelerated again in recent days in France, reported this Wednesday, January 29 The Public Health Agencystressing that children are exceptionally…
Life expectancy is progressing, but at what price? By Professor Alain Fischer – L’Express
The Directorate of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (DREES) published at the end of 2024, as it does each year, very interesting data on the life expectancy of the French,…
Utrecht University of Applied Sciences scores low: ‘I notice that it is a very vague school’
The Selection Guide is published every year and is based on student reviews. They give their opinion about the content, teachers, testing and the atmosphere. Utrecht University of Applied Sciences…