Tag: Sciences
Speckers, financial arbitrations, influence of municipal elections … The uncertain future of Sciences Po Menton – L’Express
Their campus, installed in a majestic classified building of the 19th century, overlooks the old port and the sea. The 350 students from Sciences Po Menton benefit from an exceptional…
When pseudotherapists infiltrate training for rescuers – L’Express
Aymeric* is “a first aid in mental health”, but is neither a doctor nor a psychologist. Like more than 100,000 people in France, this teacher in mathematics “simply” has had…
“I still receive death threats” – L’Express
L’Express has placed the defense of rationality at the heart of its DNA. This is why, every week, we highlight the benefits that research bring to society, without ever hesitating…
Serge Hercberg and Mathilde Touvier, the fight of the Nutri-Score-L’Express
L’Express has placed the defense of rationality at the heart of its DNA. This is why, every week, we highlight the benefits that research bring to society, without ever hesitating…
Sarah Watson, AI to thwart rare cancers – L’Express
L’Express has placed the defense of rationality at the heart of its DNA. This is why, every week, we highlight the benefits that research bring to society, without ever hesitating…
“The risk is not limited to the United States”-L’Express
They are scandalized, angry … and above all very worried about the future. Since the election of Donald Trump, science has been the target of new attacks in the United…
What to really understand behind official figures – L’Express
Difficult to carry out your boat, when, to face the storm, you have no meteorological survey and thumbs down on the mat. The analogy is also true for early cancers:…
“Key Labs”, “One Health” … When the research abused of the frankis, by Jean Szlamowicz – L’Express
The recent CNRS decision to distinguish an elite among its laboratories – thus implicitly discrediting its other scientists considered to be less deserving – was manifested by a strange appellation:…
New recommendations, vaccine in testing … towards the end of “Lyme madness”? – L’Express
Will the controversy surrounding Lyme disease finally end? The High Authority for Health (HAS) published, on February 18, an update of its recommendations For the management of this infection caused…
“There will soon be a huge boom to treat psychiatric diseases” – L’Express
What do we know about consciousness, and the unconscious? Can the progress made by neuroscientists help us better understand ourselves? In The brainYves Agid, professor emeritus of neurology, founder of…