Tag: Science
Too long school holidays? When science proves Macron right…
Warning, highly sensitive subject. “We must reopen a debate which is that of school time during the year, one of the other great French hypocrisies,” declared Emmanuel Macron on June…
Let’s stop confusing science with scientific research, by Etienne Klein
The tendency to have an uninformed opinion about everything and to spread it urbi et orbi is gaining strength. In its wake, it distils in particular the idea that science…
Aromatherapy: the truth about the effectiveness of these very popular treatments
René-Maurice Gattefossé (1881-1950) was the third of five children. His father founded the “Établissements Gattefossé” which produced essential oils for the perfume industry. René-Maurice studied chemical engineering in Lyon before…
School uniform: why science cannot settle the debate
A blouse. Maybe pants and a shirt. Or jeans and a t-shirt, for the more modern ones. With or without distinction between girls and boys. To resolve attacks on secularism…
Air pollution, more harmful than alcohol and tobacco, really?
“Air pollution worse than alcohol and tobacco”; “Health: air pollution deadlier than smoking and alcohol”; “Fine particles even more dangerous than tobacco and alcohol!”… It was difficult, these last days,…
Covid-19: Plea for a national day of tribute to the victims of the pandemic
Three years ago, a deadly wave called Covid-19 descended on our world, violently taking the breath of thousands of victims, without them having time to realize what was happening to…
The Best Diet to Slow Aging, According to Science
A Chinese study shows that people who follow a “healthy” vegetarian diet age more slowly than those who consume more animal products or canned vegetables. After tracking the health data…
Jimmy Mohamed, the new Michel Cymes (more serious)
In this new school year, it’s very simple, it’s everywhere. Since August 28, Jimmy Mohamed is the new “doctor” of RTL, one of the most listened to radio stations in…
Science knows how to correct itself, why not the media? By Frank Ramus
Contrary to what many people believe, the fact that a study reveals new data in a scientific journal does not guarantee that this result is true, nor that the theory…
“Plagiarized thesis” by Idriss Aberkane: the underside of a series of dysfunctions
The verdict of the Ecole polytechnique commission responsible for investigating Idriss Aberkane’s thesis has fallen: yes, he did “plagiarize his thesis”. A successful essayist and regular guest of the media,…