Tag: Science
Why does our brain age? A recent discovery lifts a corner of the veil, by Professor Fischer
One of the challenges of our societies is to support the increase in life expectancy. In two centuries, in France, the share of people aged over 65 in the population…
Bisphenol A, an omnipresence which worries: “The only solution is to ban it completely”
Bisphenol A caused a lot of discussion at the turn of the 2010s. The general public then discovered the toxicity of this chemical substance present in many plastics. Shock and…
Has the James Webb Telescope detected a trace of life around a planet?
More than a year and a half after its launch on December 25, 2021, NASA’s James Webb space telescope has made numerous discoveries. This week, the US agency and ESA,…
Europe and Central Asia still far from ending HIV transmission, says ECDC
In a progress report published this Friday, September 15, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) estimates that most countries in Europe and Central Asia are still far…
“My work on cancer was considered preposterous”: Michel Sadelain, the revenge of an obstinate man
To be successful, a scientist must not just be brilliant. He often also has to be pugnacious, even stubborn, equipped with an ironclad shell to withstand the fiercest criticism and…
Children and screens: the study which puts their harmful influence into perspective
Computers, smartphones, televisions… The overexposure of children to screens has given rise for several years to a wave of alarmism among several political leaders as well as some caregivers who…
A vaccine against lung cancer? Deciphering a media frenzy
A well-executed communications plan. On September 6, a “press relations manager” of a French biotechnology company sent a first email to alert about “an essential advance in the treatment of…
Seven low-cost innovations to save 2 million babies and mothers by 2030
The Sustainable Development Goals will not be achieved. In 2015, all countries in the world agreed on 17 major targets to be achieved to end poverty, fight against inequalities and…
He had opened a new page in the world of science! Ian Wilmut, the scientist who cloned Dolly the sheep, passed away
The British scientist who cloned Dolly the sheep, the first animal cloned from an adult somatic cell using the nuclear transfer process, has died. In the statement made by the…
Morocco: why the Richter scale is not relevant for this earthquake
The consequences of the earthquake are still being felt in Morocco, while Rabat accepted aid from four friendly countries (Spain, United Kingdom, Qatar and United Arab Emirates) on Sunday evening.…