Tag: Science and Health
Sos Médecins, Samu, Emergencies… What to do in the absence of your doctor?
What to do, if his present GP carries a clause, in the coming days? Despite the epidemics raging in France, several doctors will be on strike until New Year’s Day,…
In the emergency room, the triple epidemic no longer allows patients to be received “in dignified conditions”.
For Dr Caroline Brémaud, it’s a “cry from the heart”. On this morning of Tuesday, December 27, the head of the emergency department of the Laval hospital center (Mayenne) called…
“Races”, differences between men and women … When the far right manipulates science
Legitimizing slavery, colonization or inequalities of rights between men and women… For centuries, science has been used to justify discriminatory ideologies. At the beginning of the 20th century, the eugenics…
Why general practitioners are going on strike again despite “the triple epidemic”
This is a movement that promises to be less followed than that of early December. The liberal doctors are again called upon to close their offices from this Monday, December…
AI: researchers have (finally) found a real use for GPT-3
Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) fascinate as much as they worry. With the development of language models like GPT-3 and ChatGPT – a less powerful but more conversational version –…
Mummies: an exhibition questions us about our relationship to death
By definition, there are two kinds of successful exhibitions: those that impress by the richness of what they present and those that raise questions by making those who come out…
Covid-19 slows but hospitals still saturated by triple epidemic
The ninth wave of Covid-19 begins to fall. On December 19, there were 50,602 new cases of Covid-19 in France, according to weekly data from Public Health France. A figure…
Explosion of Covid cases in China: what impact on Europe?
China has gone from a “zero Covid” strategy to… no plan. At the beginning of December, faced with the increase in contamination and the thousands of demonstrators in the streets…
Avian flu: why the epidemic will last
The vaccine was the last chance to save French poultry farms from the spread of the avian influenza epidemic, which is hitting the country in extraordinary proportions. However, according to…
Those who want to “decolonize” a science deemed too “Western”
“Indigenous knowledge can help advance scientific knowledge in some ways, but it is not science.” Published July 31, 2021 in the New Zealand weekly Listen, a column entitled “In defense…