Sex workers may be given a place in a Utrecht parking garage
D66 says it is pleased that the municipality is going to see whether sex work is possible in the parking garage. The party calls it a small but nice step.…
After unrest about growth, juice maker Schulp finds a new location
It is not the case that the juice maker on the Zandpad suddenly disappears. The move will not happen overnight, says Zadelhoff’s general manager. First, the destination of the new…
Juice maker Schulp wants to grow, but has to move to do so
It is not the case that the juice maker on the Zandpad suddenly disappears. The move will not happen overnight, says Zadelhoff’s general manager. First the destination of the location…
No sex work, but possible flexible housing on Nieuwe Zandpad in Utrecht
According to the municipal council, Het Nieuwe Zandpad is suitable for such temporary homes, because the municipality already owns the location and the site is already “partly ready for construction”.…
City council: ‘legal sex work must come back faster in Utrecht’
In the letter, the Board proposes to allow sex work from home. There are conditions attached to this. It must concern their own home and only one sex worker may…
Raped, abused and robbed: Utrecht sex workers advise on the consequences of municipal policy
Last night the city council invited those involved in sex work for an information evening. Investigators, the police, the Public Prosecution Service, aid organizations for sex workers, such as Belle,…
Human trafficking in Utrecht even worse than thought: ‘Just seeing the tip of the iceberg’
Party chairman Rick van der Zweth (PvdA) also sees the connection between closing prostitution windows and increased home prostitution. “Closing the Zandpad, the streetwalking zone and the Hardenbollenstraat encourages illegal…