Saipem tops FTSE MIB with deal in Azerbaijan
(Finance) – Leaps forward Saipemwhich shows a positive performance of 2.16%, in the wake of the signing of the framework agreement worth 300 million dollars (250 million in Saipem’s share),…
Saipem runs on the stock exchange thanks to contracts in Angola
(Finance) – Appreciable increase for Saipemgaining 3.11% on previous values, after the company announced the awarding of three contracts in Angola for a total value of 3.7 billion dollars. On…
Saipem, Norges Bank has a 2.349% stake
(Finance) – Norges Bankthe central bank of Norway, has one participation equal to 2.349% in Saipema services and solutions company for the energy and infrastructure sector. This is what emerges…
Saipem, two lists presented for the renewal of the Board of Directors
(Finance) – Saipema services and solutions company for the energy and infrastructure sector, announced that they were two lists of candidates filed in view of the renewal of Board of…
Saipem, from Eni and CDP joint list with Serafin and Puliti
(Finance) – Eni And CDP Equityas required by the shareholders’ agreement in place between the two companies, will present a joint list for the renewal of the Board of Directors…
Saipem, Moody’s raises the rating to “Ba2” with a positive outlook
(Finance) – Moody’s has improved the long term corporate family rating (CFR) of Saipem to “Ba2” from “Ba3”, with theoutlook that remains”positive“. The rating increase reflects the improvement in Saipem’s…
Saipem, Berenberg raises the target price
(Finance) – Strong rise for Saipemwhich shows a burning rise of 5.09% on previous values.The promotion coming from Berenberg analysts who raised the target price from 2.85 to 3.08 euros…
Saipem renews relations with Kazakhstan for CCUS and renewable technologies
(Finance) – “Saipem he means renew relations with Kazakhstan in the field of decarbonisation and renewable energy with a unique portfolio of technologies. I am referring to our proprietary carbon…
Saipem, Brazilian court suspends contracts with PA for 2 years
(Finance) – The Brazilian Controladoria-Geral da Uniao (CGU) has concluded the administrative proceedings initiated against Saipem and Saipem do Brasil in reference to alleged irregularities in the award, dating back…
Saipem, Norges Bank has a 3.177% stake
(Finance) – Norges Bankthe central bank of Norway, has one participation equal to 3.177% in Saipema services and solutions company for the energy and infrastructure sector. This is what emerges…