Tag: safeguard
Biodiversity: Agreement found to reform funding for nature safeguard
Success for COP16 Biodiversity in Rome. After the blockages a few months ago in Cali in Colombia a few months ago, delegates of more than 150 countries reached a compromise…
Stability pact, von der Leyen: “Safeguard clause for defense expenses”
(Finance) – The European Commission intends to propose to EU countries to suspend the constraints of the stability and growth pact for the expenses relating to defense. Announced it The…
the Supreme Court, a safeguard under influence – L’Express
During his confirmation to the Senate in 2005, John Roberts launched into a famous analogy: “Judges are like referees. The referees don’t make the rules, they apply them” and “make…
the accelerated safeguard plan validated by the commercial court – L’Express
The commercial court validated Atos’ accelerated safeguard plan on Thursday, October 24, offering a lifeline to the French IT group, whose activity deteriorated sharply in the third quarter and which…
ASSOBIBE (Confindustria): “Stop the Sugar Tax to safeguard Italian businesses and consumers”
(Finance) – “Yesterday’s reassurance from important representatives of government forces, such as the Undersecretary of the MEF Federico Freni and the Deputy group leader of Forza Italia in the Chamber…
The CJR, this reasonable safeguard that our country needs, by Denys de Béchillon – L’Express
Profitability calculations serving as a moral compass for French leftism, we should not be surprised to see the Insoumis and their eco-socialist auxiliaries howl as they do against the acquittal…
Casino in accelerated safeguard procedure to “implement” its debt restructuring – L’Express
The Casino group announced, this Wednesday evening, October 25, that it had been placed by the Paris Commercial Court in accelerated safeguard procedure for at least two months, in order…
“Elite plants”, TIM launches a project to safeguard forest biodiversity in Umbria
(Finance) – Protecting and enhancing valuable trees, including rowan, wild service tree, oak, cherry and field maple, sporadically present in the areas of the Forest of Città della Pieve –…
How AFP intends to safeguard and enhance its photo archives
A book, an exhibition, an auction: Agence France-Presse has begun a judicious work of showcasing its photographic heritage. To talk about it, The media workshop receives Marielle Eudes, director of…